Why People Live in Despair
Depression is a phenomenon of discontentment. Why does this phenomenon exist? The reason is that every person is born with an unlimited desire for enjoyment. However, everyone has a minimal capacity for fulfilment. It is this gap in human nature that makes people live in unrest. Is this phenomenon due to a defect in nature? Not at all. It is man’s unawareness of himself that creates this problem. Self-awareness is the key to a contented life, while unawareness leads to discontentment and restlessness. To explain this phenomenon in the right way, we have to discover the scheme of this world as devised by the Creator. According to the creation plan, the domain of fulfilment in the material world is minimal, while spiritual or intellectual fulfilment is so vast that words fail to express their endless boundaries. One who adopts the spiritual quest for his intellectual activities is a spiritual scientist. A physical scientist may stop at a certain point, but even the saying ‘sky is the limit’ becomes irrelevant for the spiritual scientist. Fulfilment through materialism is quite unachievable. Only spiritual pursuits can give you a sense of true fulfilment.
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